FlashControl Unknown (16)
AFAreaMode Wide
YResolution (2) 350
ImageStabilization On
SmileShutterMode Unknown (1)
HDRLevel Unknown (0)
WhitePoint 0.313 0.329
XResolution 137.795
FlashMode Unknown (2)
DriveModeSetting Single Frame
WhiteBalanceSetting Unknown (0)
DynamicRangeOptimizerSettingUnknown (0)
FaceDetection Unknown (0)
LightSource Unknown
SonyImageSize Unknown (1)
CreativeStyleSetting Unknown (0)
ImageNumber 0000
MeteringMode Multi-segment
AFStatusCenterVertical Out of Focus
ThumbnailLength 16716
Contrast Normal
FlashExposureComp -4.664608638e-09
ResolutionUnit (2) inches
AFPoint Unknown (128)
BatteryLevel 151%
MaxApertureValue 2.8
ComponentsConfiguration Y, Cb, Cr, -
AFStatusTop-left Out of Focus
Saturation Normal
Gamma 2.2
Brightness 0
FacesDetected 0
AFStatusMiddleHorizontalOut of Focus
ColorTemperatureSetting 0 K
MemoryCardConfiguration Unknown (240)
FolderNumber (1) 001
CompressedBitsPerPixel 3
ColorTemperature Auto
HighISONoiseReduction High
ExposureMode Auto
ExifVersion 0221
YCbCrPositioning Co-sited
FocusModeSetting Unknown (4)
WhiteBalanceFineTune 0
ExposureProgram (2) Unknown (143)
BatteryVoltage2 5.98 V
ISO 200
LiveViewMetering Unknown (1)
ColorMode Standard
WhiteBalance (1) Auto
LensType Minolta AF 100-300mm F4.5-5.6 APO (D) or Sigma Lens
ColorSpace Uncalibrated
ExposureCompensationSet -5.3
SharpnessSetting +19
ResolutionUnit cm
Flash Off, Did not fire
CreateDate 2010:11:07 13:52:30
ViewingMode2 Unknown (1)
ImageNumber (1) 3649
FNumber 4.5
LongExposureNoiseReduction (1)Off
LensSpec (1) Unknown (00 0 0 0 0 00)
ThumbnailOffset 44340
SceneCaptureType Standard
FileSource Digital Camera
YCbCrCoefficients 0.299 0.587 0.114
LongExposureNoiseReductionOn (unused)
HDRSetting Off
SmileShutter Unknown (0)
AspectRatio Unknown (2)
FocalLength 105.0 mm
WhiteBalance Auto
ImageDescription SONY DSC
FlashExposureCompSet -4.6
ColorSpace (1) sRGB
AFStatusBottom-right Out of Focus
ThumbnailImage (Binary data)
BatteryVoltage1 6.26 V
AELock Unknown (16)
Sharpness Hard
AFPointSelected Upper-right
ModifyDate 2010:11:07 13:52:30
YCbCrPositioning (1) Co-sited
CustomRendered Normal
AFStatusRight Back Focus (+32767)
ExposureCompensation 0
AFStatusLeft Out of Focus
FocusMode Manual
Teleconverter None
HighISONoiseReduction (1)Unknown (1)
PrimaryChromaticities 0.64 0.33 0.21 0.71 0.15 0.06
YResolution 137.795
ColorCompensationFilter 0
Contrast (1) 0
XResolution (2) 350
FocalLengthIn35mmFormat 157 mm
PreviewImage (Binary data)
ImageStabilization (1) Unknown (14)
SceneType Directly photographed
ShutterSpeedSetting 16
FlashStatusBuilt-in Unknown (16)
ExposureProgram Aperture-priority AE
Orientation (1) Horizontal (normal)
ViewingMode Unknown (0)
ExifImageWidth 4592
DateTimeOriginal 2010:11:07 13:52:30
BrightnessValue 6
Compression JPEG (old-style)
Rating 0
ISOSetting 25
Saturation (1) 0
Orientation Horizontal (normal)
MeteringMode (1) Unknown (6)
LiveViewFocusMode n/a
AFStatusCenterHorizontalBack Focus (+32767)
AFStatusTop-right Out of Focus
ExposureTime 1/200
ExposureProgram (1) Unknown (21)
ContrastSetting 0
CustomWB_RGBLevels 0 513 257
DynamicRangeOptimizer Off
SceneMode Standard
FlashpixVersion 0100
SequenceNumber Single
AFButtonPressed No
FullImageSize 1080x4592
SaturationSetting +1
FolderNumber 000
PreviewImageSize 9646x1616
Sharpness (1) +1
FlashStatusExternal None
RedEyeReduction On
AFStatusActiveSensor Out of Focus
ExifImageHeight 3056
BatteryTemperature 72.2 C
HDR Off; Uncorrected image
ZoneMatching ISO Setting Used
Model DSLR-A550
AFStatusTop Out of Focus
CameraOrientation Rotate 270 CW
ApertureSetting 0.77
Software Paint.NET v3.36
Quality (1) Unknown (16)
Quality Fine
AFStatusBottom Out of Focus
LensSpec Unknown (00 0 0 1.1 0 00)
AFStatusBottom-left Out of Focus